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WEEK FIFTY-FOUR MENU: March 30 - April 3

Happy Florentine New Year, Dante. “Buon Capodanno / Happy New Year” could be heard again in the streets of Florence last week. The traditional Florentine New Year always has been celebrated on March 25, the feast day of the Annunciation. To add to these festivities, last year, the Italian government announced the establishment of a National Dante Day or “DanteDi” to be observed annually on March 25. Dante Alighieri is considered the father of modern literature and perhaps the greatest poet of all time. He was born in Florence (Tuscany) in 1265 and died in Ravenna (Emilia Romagna) in 1321, making this year the 700th anniversary of his death.  This week’s menu takes inspiration from both regions that were home to Dante. 

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WEEK FIFTY-THREE MENU: March 23-28, 2021

Comfort Foods Unite. This week's menu was inspired by comforting foods - those that only Nonna cooks to make us feel better.  When dealing with uncertainties, food connects us with our past and reminds us that we are not alone.

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WEEK FIFTY-TWO MENU: March 16 - 21

It Matters Not if you are Irish or Italian Menu ALL THINGS GREEN SALAD Festive Spring salad, Italian greens, apple, cucumber, edamame, avocado, broccoli, grapes & pistacchios   PAGLIA E FIENO AL PEPE “Straw & Hay” fresh egg and spinach tagliatelle, butter, pepper & parmesan    IRISH BEEF STEW Guinness stout & Chianti infused braised beef with onions, carrots & potatoes   SODA BREAD An Irish tradition   FRITELLE DI RISO St. Joseph’s Tuscan rice fritters     FEATURED WINE: Poggio al Tufo Rompicollo Toscano IGT, 2017              60% Sangiovese, 40% Cabernet Sauvignon Poggio al Tufo Rompicollo is a faithful expression of the terroir of the Alta Maremma, the southern coastal area of Tuscany. The grapes are primarily sourced from...

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 Umbria: Italy's Green Heartland. One of Italy’s smallest regions, Umbria tends to get short shrift, overshadowed by its illustrious neighbor, Tuscany. But in Italy it is known as its “cuore verde”, green heart.The cooking is simple in Umbria. It has a relaxed approach and serves whatever happens to be in season. The menu this week highlights its plethora of vegetables, freshwater trout and of course the chocolate from Perugia.

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